
Showing posts from May, 2013

때로는 우리가

때로는 우리가 詩.원태연 낭송:이병헌 때로는 우리가 불행한 운명을 타고 났으면 합니다. 모자랄 것 없는 그대 곁에서 너무도 작아보이는 나이기에 함부로 내 사랑이 되길 원할 수 없었고 너무도 멀리 있는 느낌이 들었기에 한 걸음 다가서려 할 때 두 걸음 망설여야 했습니다. 때로는 내가 그대와 동성이길 바라곤 합니다. 사랑의 시간이 지나간 후 친구도 어려운 이성보다는 가끔은 힘들겠지만 그대의 사랑 얘기 들어가며 영원히 지켜 봐 줄 수 있는 부담없는 동성이길 바라곤 합니다. 때로는 우리가 원수진 인연였으면 합니다. 서로가 잘 되는 꼴을 보고 헐 뜯고 싸워가며 재수 없는 날이나 한 번 마주친 인연였으면 생살 찢어지는 그리움보다는 차라리 나을 것 같습니다


i only found 2  the first one is for my first draft the second one is for my final draft

The Illuminated Rumi - Rumi

“The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.” 
i miss the stars i miss the wind i miss the leaves i miss the sky i miss all the things  that make me wonder why oh why are we heavens apart .... cue: insert song here (Colbie Caliat's song I never told you )

Look at the stars

The nth goodbye

Take me to the dungeon of your innermost secrets where your lies are true and what we've gone through is just but a passing memory of companionship turned out love ... ... love that we both had that we have never fought and that we have never spoken of for we both know there are things we have to let go and the only way to let go is to just go. I know I don't know love at all but I have felt it. And though I have felt it, I can't yearn for it from the other for the only reason that I am never good enough as I am expected and for that reason, there is no reason for me to love that man from his dungeon any longer.

Colin's Okonomiyaki

Just made my mom some okonomiyaki~ (one looks just like pizza. kkk..couldn't use mayo and meat because they're not that good for my mom's health for now.. >.<) ^_^ She thinks they're good~ and my dog thinks so, too. ayt?? ^_^ but I think I had put a bit more batter than I should have... still tasted good...and smelled good, too~ --- (1)Okonomiyaki is a great dish that you can make in a pinch because all you really need is some cabbage, flour, eggs, and water. As the name "okonomi" implies, the rest is up to your own personal choice.  (2)In fact, okonomi translates to "as you like" or "what you want" so the pancakes can differ greatly between cooks. For more info about Okonomiyaki, visit these sites ^_^ (1) (2) It’s a great dish that you can make in a pinch because all you really need is some cabbage, flour, eggs, and water. As the name implies, the rest is up to your own personal ok